Rev. Dr. Marshall Dunn
Marshall Dunn was born in 1943, the son of Anna and John, a Disciple minister. He was raised in Princeton, W.Va. and Chicago Heights, Illinois. He went to Hiram College in Ohio where he graduated with honors, then received his Master of Theology and Doctor of Ministry degrees from the Divinity School of the University of Chicago. In 1967 he married his wife, Barbara. They have two grown children, Kristen and Eric, and three granddaughters.
For the first five years of his ministry he served Orchard Street Christian Church in Blue Island, Illinois. In July, 1974, he accepted a call to be the senior minister at University Christian Church near the University of Maryland until his retirement 31 years later.
He has served the general expression of the church for six years as a member of the General Board, four years on the Administrative Committee, and now serves on the Board of Disciples Divinity House in Chicago.
After his retirement Dr. Dunn was subsequently called as the Temporary Associate General Minister and Vice President, and as Acting Regional Minister for the Christian Church Capital Area during the regional minister’s sabbatical. He also served as an Interim at First Christian, Falls Church and Mt Rainier Christian Church.