SPCC: The Year in Review
The Year at SPCC 2018
Shepherd Park Christian Church has had a busy year since our last Anniversary. Here are some of the events we held:
- We called a new pastor, Rev. Terri McLellan, and had a beautiful installation ceremony. Rev. Terri has worked with local outreach, restarted the Bible School and Midweek Bible Study, and welcomed new members to the church in addition to preaching, counseling and all the myriad things a pastor does. Rev. Lois Artis has established the Friday night prayer call.
- We lost a minister of music and are in an active search for a new one. In the meantime, Brother Daniel McLellan has generously and ably served in the interim in rebuilding the choir and music program.
- SPCC was a co-sponsor and organizer of a seminar to inform Shepherd Park congregations on how to protect themselves in emergencies and active shooter situations. Out of this training, SPCC has developed a safety program and will have an active shooter walkthrough training.
- The SPCC property department has overseen the installation of a new security system, seat cushions, and a concrete pad for the parking lot. We have also had boiler maintenance and a sump pump installation.
- We celebrated our second year in residence with DSK Mariam in sharing our space and worshipping in our building.
- SPCC Women attended the yearly Women’s Retreat in Bethany Beach.
- SPCC members served as volunteers at A Wider Circle and welcomed its leader, Dr. Mark Bergel, as a speaker at Sunday worship
- SPCC local outreach initiated a clothing drive and maintains clothing onsite to help neighborhood residents in need.
- SPCC celebrated Holy Week with our usual Palm Sunday brunch, a 7 Last Words of Christ Good Friday Service with amazing guest preachers, and an uplifting Easter Sunday Service.
- SPCC recognized the achievements of our young people and handed out 3 $500 scholarships to 2 high school and 1 college grad.
- Christian Ed re-established the emphasis on spiritual development for adults and children spear headed the wonderful Vacation Bible School with Jesus Kingdom Builder as a theme.
- SPCC sponsored a political depolarization workshop through Better Angels to encourage local residents to communicate with more civility.
- SPCC had picnic and Back to School Bash that featured haircuts, food, school supplies giveaways and a donation of supplies to Central Union Mission.
- SPCC donated more than $8,600 to Disciples Mission, Christian Church Capital Area, Week of Compassion, and other charitable causes.
- SPCC members attended the Regional Assembly and Rev. Terri was one of the organizers. SPCC members served as officers at the Regional level of the CCCA.
- SPCC was awarded a grant by the RiverSmart Communities program to construct a rain garden and participated in the SPCA garden tour to explain the rain garden.
- SPCC choir members were in the choir “backing up” Andrea Boccelli at his December Verizon Center concert.
- SPCC had a baby dedication.
- SPCC and the League of Women Voters held a Voter Registration Drive
- Along the way SPCC members facilitated worship, communion, coffee hours, celebrations, and restarted our visioning process so that our 120th anniversary will see us well on the road to success in the 21st century.
As we prepare for our 120th year, I believe God has amazing things planned for us. Under Rev. Terri’s leadership and the work of our visioning team, we will follow God’s lead of fulfilling our church constitution’s mission statement:
The purpose of this church shall be as revealed in the New Testament to win people to faith in Jesus Christ and commit them actively to the church, to help them grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ that increasingly they may know and do His will, and to work for the unity of all Christians and with them engage in the common task of building the Kingdom of God.
Fasten your seat belts Shepherd Park — it’s going to be an incredible ride!
–Paula Edwards