Shepherd Park Christian Church

Baby Dedication

Join us for worship on Sunday, November 19th at 11:30 am as Roman Alexander Omotobiju Oketunji’s life is dedicated to Jesus Christ! The proud parents are Damelia Shaw-Oketunji & Fisayo Oketunji! The proud grandparents are Winston & Jacqueline Shaw, Drs. Ayoku & Rita Oketunji and Yemi Kuye!

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Baby Dedication

Join us for worship on Sunday, November 19th at 11:30 am as Roman Alexander Omotobiju Oketunji’s life is dedicated to Jesus Christ! The proud parents are Damelia Shaw-Oketunji & Fisayo Oketunji! The proud grandparents are Winston & Jacqueline Shaw, Drs. Ayoku & Rita Oketunji and Yemi Kuye!

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Shepherd Park Christian Church

Pastor/ Clergy Appreciation Day

Show God’s Love for Pastors Pastor Appreciation Day is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of October. Pastor Appreciation Day started as “Clergy Appreciation Day”, the idea of showing appreciation for your Clergy, Pastors, or Leaders is very Biblical and can be traced all the way back to Paul’s new testament letters. Paul mentions this idea in a number of […]

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Shepherd Park Christian Church

Pastor’s Anniversary

Happy 6th Anniversary, Pastor Terri! A pastor’s anniversary refers to his or her annual hire date anniversary, which for Rev. Terri is the first Sunday in December. It is an excellent time to show some extra pastor appreciation. It can also be a good opportunity to build unity around our church’s ministry and vision. And building unity will generate excitement […]

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Shepherd Park Christian Church

Funeral for Jean Buchholz

On Wednesday morning, June. 28th, after an extended stay and in hospice care at Sunrise Assisted Living in Frederick, Maryland, Jean Buchholz went to be with our Lord. She was a faithful Christian, a loyal member of Shepherd Park Christian Church, and a dear friend. She will be greatly missed. The visitation will take place on Friday, July 7th, between […]

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Shepherd Park Christian Church

Shepherd Park Garden Tour

Shepherd Park Christian Church is hosting this annual event for the community as part of our community outreach and as part of our agreement for the Rain Garden grant and our DC Water grant to publicize our rain garden to the community and to encourage others to plant them. The tour goes through some of the prettiest gardens in Shepherd […]

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Christian Church Disciples of Christ

Pentecost Offering 2023

The Pentecost Offering supports Disciples new church development. Planning, nurturing and sustaining new congregation is part of the Disciples’ vision. This offering supports the specialized ministry of new church development through both regional and general programs. Gifts for this offering are divided equally between the region in which they’re given and the New Church Ministry.

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