Latest Past Events

Baby Dedication

Join us for worship on Sunday, November 19th at 11:30 am as Roman Alexander Omotobiju Oketunji’s life is dedicated to Jesus Christ! The proud parents are Damelia Shaw-Oketunji & Fisayo Oketunji! The proud grandparents are Winston & Jacqueline Shaw, Drs. Ayoku & Rita Oketunji and Yemi Kuye!

World Communion Sunday

Shepherd Park Christian Church 7900 Eastern Avenue, NW, Washington

Communion Chalices, including The Disciples' Chalice, which represents the centrality of communion to the life of the church World Communion Sunday offers congregations a distinctive opportunity to experience Holy Communion in the context of the global community of faith. The first Sunday of October has become a time when Christians in every culture break bread and pour the cup to [...]

Pentecost Offering 2023

Shepherd Park Christian Church 7900 Eastern Avenue, NW, Washington

Click on the image above to donate online from the SPCC's website. The Pentecost Offering supports Disciples new church development. Planning, nurturing and sustaining new congregation is part of the Disciples’ vision. This offering supports the specialized ministry of new church development through both regional and general programs. Gifts for this offering are divided equally between the region in which [...]