Latest Past Events

Thanksgiving Evening Worship Service

Shepherd Park Christian Church 7900 Eastern Avenue, NW, Washington

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 115 528 963 Passcode: 7900 --- One tap mobile +13017158592,,115528963#,,,,*7900# US (Washington DC)

Church Anniversary Service

Shepherd Park Christian Church 7900 Eastern Avenue, NW, Washington

Our History Member Moments

Pastor/ Clergy Appreciation Day

Shepherd Park Christian Church 7900 Eastern Avenue, NW, Washington

Show God’s Love for Pastors Pastor Appreciation Day is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of October. Pastor Appreciation Day started as “Clergy Appreciation Day”, the idea of showing appreciation for your Clergy, Pastors, or Leaders is very Biblical and can be traced all the way back to Paul’s new testament letters. Paul mentions this idea in a number of [...]