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CCCA Campaign “More Than Enough!”

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As of the January ’23 newsletter, pledges and gifts to More Than Enough! total $105,000 for the first year (2022) of the three-year Campaign (2022, 2023, 2024). First year payments exceed $75,000 as of December 31, 2022.

Praise God!

The Search and Call Committee, seeking our next settled Regional Minister, is able to assure candidates that CCCA offers the position on a full time basis, as we have enjoyed in the past. All Campaign funds are set aside from the Region’s annually budgeted expenditures, serving as an available “savings account”, as it were, that will apply entirely and only to the compensation package (salary, benefits, etc.) specified in the yet to be determined call agreement. Explanation of this stated purpose of the Campaign may be found HERE

We have indeed exceeded our annual goal ($100,000), but that exciting news should not cause those who have not yet committed to refrain from making a pledge! The pledge form for YOU or YOUR CONGREGATION to complete and mail to the Regional Office may be found HERE. Please consider joining the 75 generous individuals and congregations of CCCA who have collectively inspired this remarkable success!

Letters of gratitude confirming the pledges/ payments have been sent to all contributors, reminding them that payments fulfilling pledges should be made out to CCCA, and sent directly to the Regional Office. NOTE: Treasury Services in Indianapolis is NOT involved in the management of our Campaign.

Again, if you or your congregation are among those who have not yet committed to More Than Enough!, please declare your intention by sending your pledge form and/or payment to the Regional Office as soon as possible. A revised annual goal of $110,000 or even $120,000 is not unreasonable to attain, based upon the remarkable success of our effort thus far: $105,000 from 75 giving units. While generous commitments of $1000 to $10,000 are true leadership gifts, pledges of $50 or $100 or $250 or $500 make a difference, too! What would 100 giving units accomplish!  Please consider becoming one!

The concept of “more than enough” is inspired by the Apostle Paul’s words in his second letter to the Church in Corinth. Paul was surely prescient: By God’s Grace, we do have more than enough, for every good cause.

The Campaign Committee is grateful to those who have pledged—and to those who will pledge now.

Online Donations can be made HERE
Praise God!