Ecumenical Advocacy Days Focuses on Climate Change, April 24-27, 2020
Climate change affects everyone and disproportionately affects those struggling to overcome poverty. 2020 will be a pivotal year for the United States and the world with a general election that will set the course for the next four years – with an enduring impact on climate and economic justice.
Save the Date for Ecumenical Advocacy Days 2020, April 17-20, on re-imagining community for God’s earth and people. Come to learn about the intersection of climate change and economic injustice, and to advocate for climate justice.
“As the indigenous people of Colombia we are part of . . .the environment created by God. Therefore, we ask that the mistreatment of ‘Mother Earth’ cease.” – Guaviare indigenous leader quoted in Instrumentum Laboris: The Amazon: New Path for the Church and Integral Ecology.
“We look for — and speed the coming of — the new heavens and a new earth, where justice is at home.” (2 Peter 3:12,13)