The Disciples' Chalice

Join Rev. Terri to Raise Your Voice!

Terri Hord Owens, Gen. Min. & President, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)


As the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), we have helped welcome tens of thousands of refugees since the end of World War II.

Will you join with Disciples and other Christians around the country in #Praying4Refugees in this important time?

Watch Rev. Terri Hord Owen’s brief video call to prayer for refugees HERE!!

Within the next two weeks, our US President and Congress will be making important decisions about how many refugees we will resettle in the year ahead.

The positive impacts of refugee partnerships, friendships formed, and influences upon our congregations, our communities, and our faith have been vast!!

On average, the US has resettled 85,000 refugees per year–and much of this work has been possible through the partnership of our congregations with Church World Service or with other resettlement organizations around the country. There are 2 million more refugees in the world now than this time last year, and 28.5 million refugees total!

NOW is the time to #PRAY4REFUGEES, to ACT, and to SHARE YOUR TESTIMONY of what refugees have meant to you, and to your church!!

Here’s what you can do NOW and before Sept. 20th:
*PRAY 4 REFUGEES–Remember refugees in your heart and congregations in the coming weeks. Pray silently and together that strong numbers of refugees (at least 75,000) might continue to be settled in our nation, and with the help of our churches.

Visit the Disciples’ Refugee and Immigration website for stories of refugees and immigrants, and for prayers and worship resources you and your congregation may use.

*SHARE YOUR TESTIMONY AND PRAYERS–like Rev. Terri did–through video and online. In 90 seconds or less, say your name, your city/ state and region, and your title (pastor or member of a congregation). Say why you support refugees, and offer a quick prayer for refugees. Then, ask our nation’s leaders to support resettlement of at least 75,000 refugees for next year . Email your video to RIM at:

Be sure to use these hashtags to help others see and hear your testimony!: #Pray4Refugees, #Welcome75K #RefugeesWelcome #DOCRIM #CCDOC #DHMissions

*CALL and TWEET to your legislators, and to key leaders in the White House and on Judiciary Committees, who will be making refugee decisions ASAP!! Find a full list of Judiciary Committee leaders and members, their direct phone numbers to call, and their Twitter accounts to tag here. Also, go here for both a sample call script to use, and for sample tweets!!

As you contact your leaders on social media, be sure to also tag our Disciples Refugee & Immigration Ministries @StanleyRea and to share your support for refugees and the contacts you made with our Facebook at:

Thank you for helping protect the lives of refugees & immigrants. the lives of those in our community.


Rev. Sharon Stanley-Rea, Disciples Refugee & Immigration Ministries