Love Is an Action Word
The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) has begun a 7-part series sponsored by Reconciliation Ministry and the Office of General Minister and President called “Love is an Action Word.” The registration link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_XNRKsKCGSimFrYVdOV9l2Q Additional information is on the www.disciples.org website. Upcoming Sessions: • Aug. 13 – Love is an Action Word: Indigenous peoples Disciples reflect on the policies, practices, and theology that shape our relations with Indigenous peoples, and their call to action. • Aug. 27 – Love is an Action Word: NAPAD Disciples reflect on the policies, practices, and theology that shape our relations with the NAPAD community, and their call to action. • Sept. 10 – Love is an Action Word: Latinx, Obra Hispana, and Just Borders Disciples reflect on the policies, practices, and theology that shape our relations with the Latinx community, and their call to action. • Sept. 24 – Love is an Action Word: National Convocation, the Black Lives Matter movement Disciples reflect on the policies, practices, and theology that shape our relations with National Convocation and the BLM movement, and their call to action. • Oct. 8 – Love is an Action Word: Identity, Theology, and Faithful care for the community A multi-racial, multi-cultural panel of Disciples talk about identity, theology, and how they live out the call to faithful care for the community. • Oct. 22 – Love is an Action Word: Puerto Rico, Imperialist ideology, and mission Disciples reflect on the policies, practices, and theology that shape our relations with Puerto Rico, and their call to action. |