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Regional Ministers are more than you might imagine…

Rev-Allen-V-Harris-Capital-Area-Regional-Minister.jpgRegional Ministers offer an important array of ministry that often isn’t as apparent as it might otherwise be.

* Regional Ministers help remind the larger church of the central importance of local congregations, clergy, and lay leaders while at the same time encouraging individual Christians and communities to remember they are part of a larger Body of Christ.

* Regional Ministers connect, communicate, network, equip, inspire, celebrate, educate, nurture and administer across the diversity of Christ’s church, accessing the resources of local communities of faith and individual leaders as well as denominational ministries, and even ecumenical and interfaith partners.

* Regional Ministers help to ensure the integrity of the Order of Ministry by mentoring, shepherding, commissioning, and ordaining new clergy as well as by caring for, celebrating, and holding accountable clergy who are already credentialed.

Regional Minister, Rev. Allen Harris with SPCC's Elder Alville Samuels* Regional Ministers train and teach individuals and communities in ancient and emerging ways to more fully be the Beloved Community of Christ, including being an intentionally Pro-Reconciling/Anti-Racist Church, a church with leaders who have Healthy Boundaries, a more Accessible Church for All, and an Open & Affirming Church.

* Regional Ministers seek out, train, resource, empower and send forth church planters to sprout new faith communities as well as step in when congregations are in transition, crisis, or are yearning for the Holy Spirit’s transformation.

* Regional Ministers ensure the maintenance and programming for camps and conference centers so that individuals and congregations can have a place to retreat, be renewed and discover anew the wonders of God or the path to which Christ calls them to follow.

If any of these ministries seem important to you, I would invite you to give as generously as you can to the Christian Church Capital Area Regional Ministers Position Endowment Fund to help ensure the ongoing vitality of the ministry of our Region and its leaders. You can give in honor or memory of any Regional Minister, or just give!

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