Studying God's Word

Sunday School Series- TBD

Our Sunday School Class has been temporarily discontinued due to COVID 19 restrictions. We will resume when the situation is more appropriate. Sunday School class, which normally would meet at 10am in the parlor/ library room behind the narthex, is open to both Adults and Youth. Please feel free to invite a neighbor or co-worker to join us for one […]

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World Communion Sunday

World Communion Sunday

World Communion Sunday is a celebration observed by several Christian denominations, taking place on the first Sunday of every October, that promotes Christian unity and ecumenical cooperation. It focuses on an observance of the Eucharist (also called Holy Communion, the Lord’s Supper, and other names). It is an attempt to bring churches together in a service of Christian unity— in […]

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Church Picnic

Church Picnic

There will be lots of good people, delicious food, fun games, and great music.  Invite your family and friends. All are invited! Come out and join us in celebration, praising God for our church home, family, and friends, as one body of Christ.

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