Mission First!

Mission Gathering Report

Report on the Capital Area Gathering November 15, 2016 We thank your congregation for participating in Mission First! We wanted to give you a quick report from your Mission Gathering so that you have a sense of what we received from all of you. This is not comprehensive – just a glimpse into your Mission First! Gathering as we move […]

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Week of Compassion- Around the world, Around the Year

How Can I Help Haiti?

It is reported that almost 900 people have died since Matthew made landfall in Haiti on Tuesday as a Category 4 hurricane, so many are missing, and more than 60,000 people are now displaced. The country was already dealing with a cholera outbreak, and has never really recovered from the 2010 earthquake that killed hundreds of thousands of citizens. The […]

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take a moment to submit your prayer request here.

A Prayer for Favor

“For those who find me find life and receive favor from the Lord.” Proverbs 8:35 This morning, I share with you a meditation I read from Todaysword.org. It is a reflection through the book of Proverbs. I’ve heard it said that he richest soil on the planet is found in cemeteries. Why? Because of all the people that die full […]

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